The Red Lemon Store provides Tocca candles and Bathology skin care products.

e shtunë, 14 korrik 2007


For all of you Simpsons fans out there it is real. You can hit up the Kwik E Mart on Venice but be ready to sit in a line! I luckily caught the Mart early Friday Morning and my pimp strut and bounced. Check out the Pics

For all of you Simpsons fans out there it is real. You can hit up the Kwik E Mart on Venice but be ready to sit in a line! I luckily caught the Mart early Friday Morning and my pimp strut and bounced. Check out the Pics

1 koment:

jellyfish tha...

DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE! i so need to go! is it 24 hours? did you get a slushee?


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